1-day course Fuel oil blending
Persons involved in blending residual fuel oil
This course is specifically intended for those persons or staff dealing with blending, purchasing, quality control, storage and transshipment or sales of marine residual bunker fuel oils. Initially, this course is designed as a follow-up to the 4-day Oil Products course, but people who have sufficient background in this course can also participate, for example gained through work experience.
Fuel oil blending components and the blending process
The blending and blending process of (marine) residual fuel oil is very important from various points of view, but mainly because of economic and environmental aspects. Recently, the changes in emissions from MARPOL and the EU are known data for blenders of distillate and residual fuel oil marine products. This means that there is a shift towards optimal and economical blending, with the sulphur content as a fact.
Knowledge and understanding of the components of residual fuel oil
Gaining knowledge and insight into the components of residual fuel oil and the associated blending aspects are discussed from a technical and economic perspective. With the knowledge and insights obtained, the participant can make the right decisions regarding the selection of components and respond to 'quality give-aways', which in turn can help to save costs.
Theoretical part
This course has only a theoretical part and covers the following topics:
- Overview of the production of fuel oil components and their chemical background
- Identifying the components for residual fuel oil blending and their properties
- Residual fuel oil for (marine) diesel engines
- Composition of residual fuel oil and the selection of blending components
- Interpretation and discussion on fuel oil specifications (ISO, CIMAC)
- Fuel oil blend calculation
- Fuel oil blending installations
- Fuel oil additives and additivation
Coursebook and the Oiltraining blending model
The participants receive a course book with specific information and a copy of the Oiltraining blending model. At the end of the course, participants receive a Certificate. The group size is limited to ensure interactivity during the day and to provide sufficient opportunity for your personal situation.
Course times
The course times are from 09.30 to 12.15 and from 13.15 to 16.00 hours and is held at a Saybolt location or at a location to be specified (in-company) in the Dutch, English or German language.
Course fee
The fee of this course day is € 845,= per participant (excl. VAT, including lunch). This course can also be provided as an in-company course (on request).