Oiltraining B.V.'s clients come from different segments of the oil industry, such as:
The oil companies, among which we can mention:
- Shell
- BP
- Total Raffinaderij Nederland
- Texaco
- Total Raffinaderij Antwerpen
- Chevron
- Kuwait Petroleum
- Statoil
- ConocoPhillips Ltd

Oil traders, such as:
- Totsa
- Vitol
- Mercuria Energy Trading
- North Sea Group
- Argos
- Addax
- Arcadia Energy
- Trafigura
- Petroplus
- RWE Supply and Trading
- OW Global & Trading SA
Oil storage companies, such as:
- Vopak
- Odfjell Terminals
- Vitol terminals
- Eurotank Amsterdam
- Koole Tankstorage
- Oiltanking Amsterdam
- Oiltanking Terneuzen
- Oiltanking Gent
- Botlek Tank Terminal
- Rubis Terminal
- Vesta Terminal Antwerpen

Shipping companies, such as:
- Flinter Shipping
- Boskalis
- Dockwise Shipping
- Fairmount Marine
- Europa West-Indië Lijnen
- Van Uden Maritime
- Svitzer Ocean Towage
- Stena Line
Biodiesel companies, such as:
- Biopetrol
- CleanerG
- Kolmar Group
- Lurgi
- Agro-maas
- Koole
- Glencore
- ED&F
- Wilmar
- Lukoil/Litasco

Governmental organisations and others:
- Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
- Ministerie van Justitie
- Ministerie van Defensie
- Senter Novem
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Banca IMI
- Banca Transilvania
- EDF, France