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See what our customers are saying

  • José Torrejón
    Clear and conscise, a must!

  • The way the subject was presented was quite engaging, and easy to follow even for people like me, with no previous knowledge of chemistry.

  • Steve
    Thank you for the great courses!

  • It was a really useful and enjoyable experience!

  • Christoph
    Oiltraining course with practicum

  • I was able to visit an 4- day oiltraining course from Ton and am very glad for the opportunity. Ton has the ability to teach content that pretends to be very difficult in a very nice, focused and enjoyable manner. The connection of the theory and the...

  • Dave
    Professional course with afternoon practicum.

  • Super good course and ditto teacher! Took the 4-day course, and liked it very much, very focused and directly applicable in my daily practice. I also found the afternoons in the laboratory very instructive, following on from the theory mornings. Keep...

  • Ferdinand
    Excellent training & hands-on experience

  • I did the Oil Products as well as the Gasoline Blending courses.
    Both courses were well structured, focused and profiting from Ton`s deep understanding of the industry. While covering a broad range of topics in a short time, Ton managed to keep th...

  • Bert
    Professionele cursus met middag practicum

  • Super goede cursus en ditto docent! De 4-daagse cursus gevolgd, en zeer goed bevallen, heel gericht en direct toepasbaar in mijn dagelijkse praktijk. Ik vond ook vooral de middagen in het laboratorium zeer leerzaam, in navolging van de ochtenden theo...